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How to keep foreign key relations consistent in a "diamond-shaped" system of relationships

Consider this situation: a Car is bought from a Salesperson. A Salesperson works at a Showroom (and at only one Showroom). A Showroom is affiliated to a Manufacturer, and only sells cars made by that Manufacturer. At the same time, a Car is of a particular Model, and a Model is made by a Manufacturer.

Restriction R: A Car's Model's Manufacturer must be the same Manufacturer as the Car's Salesperson's Showroom's affiliated Manufacturer.

The diagram shows the obvious foreign key relationships.

     ---->  Manufacturer  <----
     |                        |
     |                        |
 Showroom                     |
     ^                        |
     |                      Model
     |                        ^
Salesperson                   |
     ^                        |
     |                        |
     ---------  Car  ----------

How do you enforce Restriction R? You could add a foreign key relationship Car --> Manufacturer. Yet the Manufacturer of a Car can be established by joining tables one way or another around the "diamond", so surely to do this would not be normalised? And yet I do not know otherwise how to enforce the constraint.


  • If I understood the question correctly, this should be close.

    enter image description here

    Here are few details for keys

    -- Keys for SalesPerson
    alter table SalesPerson
      add constraint PK_salesperson primary key (PersonID)
    , add constraint AK1_salesperson unique (ManufacturerID, ShowRoomNo, PersonID) 
    , add constraint FK1_salesperson foreign key (PersonID)
                               references Person (PersonID)
    , add constraint FK2_salesperson foreign key (ManufacturerID, ShowRoomNo)
                             references ShowRoom (ManufacturerID, ShowRoomNo)
    -- keys for Sale table
    alter table Sale
      add constraint PK_sale primary key (SaleID)
    , add constraint FK1_sale foreign key (BuyerID)
                        references Person (PersonID)
    , add constraint FK2_sale foreign key (ManufacturerID, ModelName, ShowRoomNo)
                    references CarDisplay (ManufacturerID, ModelName, ShowRoomNo)
    , add constraint FK3_sale foreign key (ManufacturerID, ShowRoomNo, SalesPersonID)
                   references SalesPerson (ManufacturerID, ShowRoomNo, PersonID)