I have a text input created dynamically with javascript where I am putting some text with javascript also. I would like to make the text input size variable, dependent on the text length and with maximum width of 70%
For that, I am using:
'<input type="text" style="max-width:70%" name="affiliation"
id="affiliation'+affiliation_id+'" value="'+article_affiliations[i].name+'"
Everything works fine when the text is longer than 68% but when not, the text input area is smaller than the text size.
For example, when the text size is 118, the textarea wil be only 106 characters length and I don't know why. Any help and suggestion will be highly appreciable.
Thank you.
function incSize(event) {
var size = event.value.length;
event.setAttribute("size", size);
event.setAttribute("style", "width:auto")
<input type="text" name="affiliation" onkeyup="incSize(this)" size="1" />