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Can't install m2e-wtp in eclipse indigo (can't connect to mavenarchiver update site)

does anybody know if there is some other update site for mavenarchiver? I am trying to install m2eclipse-wtp from this update site:

This is composed of 3 other update sites and one of them is for mavenarchiver ( I can go to this page via browser, but I can't download any file and can't go to any folder on this site. As well, my eclipse can't connect to this update site. And without maven archiver I can't install m2e-wtp.

I am installing those plugins in my CI server and I haven't problem with that for last 3 months. Since last friday (31.08.2012) I have this problems.


  • It looks like there was an update based on

    The update is out at

    I suspect you may have an issue with the site being blocked.