I wanted to try the factory pattern and was able to implement it, but when
generating for more than a few classes, i thought this will be ugly!! so any clarity or suggestions would be really appreciated...
My Superclass:
public abstract class Output {
public abstract void generate(Data dat); }
i got my other classes extending from Output like
public class generateXML extends Output{
My question is related to here:
public class generatorFactory(){
public Output generate(String str){
// or getting an Object as an argument like (Object obj)
return new generateXML();
else if.........
Is there any way we can determine the subclass type avoiding checking for each type??
You can use newInstance() to instanciate a generator whose classname you've built from the parameter:
public Generator getGenerator (final String type)
final Class generatorClass = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass("Generator"+type);
final Generator generator = (Generator) (generatorClass.newInstance());
return generator;
PS: I highly rate you to follow the rules of Java: if generateXML is a class, it should be written GenerateXML.
More over: take care by naming your classes. (1) An Object generateXML shouln'd extend Output, because it isnt' an output. (2) "GenerateXML" is a verb, i.e. an action. It is therefore not a correct word to name an object, but a method. You could name the object per example "XMLGenerator".