Here is what I have so far
socklen_t cli_size;
struct sockaddr cli;
int in_sock;
/* event from TCP server socket, new connection */
cli_size = sizeof(cli);
try {
if ((in_sock = ::accept(handle,&cli, &cli_size)) < 0) {
throw in_sock;
return NULL;
catch(int ex) {
cout << "Exception Nr. " << ex << endl;
from man page:
On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.
Question: I still can't understand where is errno? I need to understand exception
is a global integer variable that contains error codes after system calls like accept
fails. You might have to include the header file <errno.h>
for the variable to be defined.
In your case, you shouldn't throw the value returned by accept
but the value of errno
if ((in_sock = accept(...)) == -1)
throw errno;
// ...
catch (int error)
std::cout << "Error code " << error << " (" << std::strerror(error) << ")\n";
The function std::strerror
is declared in the header file <cstring>
and returns a string describing the error.
An important note: The value of errno
is only valid if a function returns that it failed. If, in your example, accept
succeeds then the value of errno
is undefined.