I am working on OOP C++ program and I'm bit struggling. I'm trying to create a program that demonstrates use of default and non-default constructors and pointers. I'm trying to do default constructor first.
So I am able to store and retrieve only the local variables inside of one method. But now I must pass values to other class (I think I must) and then retrieve the information again but little modified.
I could initialize object to one class as I did but then when I try to retrieve the object it basically doesn't retrieve anything but empty space. How do I correctly pass an object to method in another class and then retrieve it back?
Any pointers?
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include "Book.h"
void Book::setTitle(string title)
this->title = title;
void Book::setAuthorName(string first, string last)
Author author;
void Book::setPrice(double price)
this->price = price;
string Book::convertDoubleToString(double number)
return static_cast<ostringstream*>( &(ostringstream() << number) ) -> str();
string Book::getBookInfo()
stringstream ss;
Author author;
ss << title << endl << author.getFullName() << endl << "$" << convertDoubleToString(price) << endl;
return ss.str();
This part is not going to work
void Book::setAuthorName(string first, string last)
Author author;
because inside this function you create a local object, set its values and then its destroyed when the function exits. You need to create a member variable of class Author
inside your Book class if you want to retain this author information.
Inside your Book class declaration, you need something like this
class Book {
Author m_Author; // This is your member variable that you can store author data in
then inside your setAuthorName
function, set the values of m_Author
rather than creating a local variable. This will retain the values inside the member variable m_Author