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Google Closure Annotating won't tell me I'm wrong

I'm trying out Google Closure, specifically the annotating stuff to enforce type safety. To test I did something wrong, though the compiler won't tell me that it is...

Here's the code:

// ==ClosureCompiler==
// @output_file_name default.js
// @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
// ==/ClosureCompiler==

 * A card.
 * @constructor
 * @param {String} cardName The exact name of the card
 * @param {Kinetic.Layer} layer The layer for the card
function CardObject(cardName, layer)
    /** @type {Number} */
    var number = cardName;

So, I have a variable number which I say is a Number, and I try to assign a string to it. This shouldn't be possible, right? Though the compiler won't tell me that...

Why won't it tell me that's wrong?


  • Closure Compiler uses warning levels to determine which checks are enabled during the compilation process. The three warning levels are:

    • QUIET

    For example, using compilation level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS, you will still get type-check warnings with the warning level set to VERBOSE.

    // ==ClosureCompiler==
    // @output_file_name default.js
    // @compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS
    // @warning_level VERBOSE
    // ==/ClosureCompiler==
     * A card.
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} cardName The exact name of the card
     * @param {Kinetic.Layer} layer The layer for the card
    function CardObject(cardName, layer)
        /** @type {Number} */
        var number = cardName;


    Number of warnings: 2
    JSC_TYPE_PARSE_ERROR: Bad type annotation. Unknown type Kinetic.Layer at line 5
    character 10  
    * @param {Kinetic.Layer} layer The layer for the card
    JSC_TYPE_MISMATCH: initializing variable
    found   : (String|null|undefined)
    required: (Number|null) at line 10 character 13
    var number = cardName;

    To understand exactly which checks are associated with each warning level, here is the relevant code from


     * Silence all non-essential warnings.
    private static void silenceAllWarnings(CompilerOptions options) {
      // Just use a ShowByPath warnings guard, so that we don't have
      // to maintain a separate class of warnings guards for silencing warnings.
          new ShowByPathWarningsGuard(
      // Allow passes that aren't going to report anything to be skipped.
      options.checkRequires = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.checkProvides = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.checkMissingGetCssNameLevel = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.aggressiveVarCheck = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.checkTypes = false;
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.CHECK_TYPES, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.checkUnreachableCode = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.checkMissingReturn = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.ACCESS_CONTROLS, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.CONST, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.CONSTANT_PROPERTY, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.checkGlobalNamesLevel = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.checkSuspiciousCode = false;
      options.checkGlobalThisLevel = CheckLevel.OFF;
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.GLOBAL_THIS, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.setWarningLevel(DiagnosticGroups.ES5_STRICT, CheckLevel.OFF);
      options.checkCaja = false;


     * Add the default checking pass to the compilation options.
     * @param options The CompilerOptions object to set the options on.
    private static void addDefaultWarnings(CompilerOptions options) {
      options.checkSuspiciousCode = true;
      options.checkUnreachableCode = CheckLevel.WARNING;
      options.checkControlStructures = true;


     * Add all the check pass that are possibly relevant to a non-googler.
     * @param options The CompilerOptions object to set the options on.
    private static void addVerboseWarnings(CompilerOptions options) {
      // checkSuspiciousCode needs to be enabled for CheckGlobalThis to get run.
      options.checkSuspiciousCode = true;
      options.checkGlobalThisLevel = CheckLevel.WARNING;
      options.checkSymbols = true;
      options.checkMissingReturn = CheckLevel.WARNING;
      // checkTypes has the side-effect of asserting that the
      // correct number of arguments are passed to a function.
      // Because the CodingConvention used with the web service does not provide a
      // way for optional arguments to be specified, these warnings may result in
      // false positives.
      options.checkTypes = true;
      options.checkGlobalNamesLevel = CheckLevel.WARNING;
      options.aggressiveVarCheck = CheckLevel.WARNING;
          DiagnosticGroups.MISSING_PROPERTIES, CheckLevel.WARNING);
          DiagnosticGroups.DEPRECATED, CheckLevel.WARNING);

    Notice that options.checkTypes = true; is only set for the VERBOSE warning level. As Speransky Danil pointed out, type checking is also enabled when using compilation level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS.

    In addition, classes of warnings may be controlled individually with the Closure Compiler application (jar file) using compiler flags:

    • --jscomp_off
    • --jscomp_warning
    • --jscomp_error

    The warning classes that may be specified are as follows:

    • accessControls
    • ambiguousFunctionDecl
    • checkRegExp
    • checkTypes
    • checkVars
    • const
    • constantProperty
    • deprecated
    • duplicateMessage
    • es5Strict
    • externsValidation
    • fileoverviewTags
    • globalThis
    • internetExplorerChecks
    • invalidCasts
    • missingProperties
    • nonStandardJsDocs
    • strictModuleDepCheck
    • typeInvalidation
    • undefinedNames
    • undefinedVars
    • unknownDefines
    • uselessCode
    • visibility

    For example, type checking warnings could be enabled individually:
