Continuing tutorial I have came across an error. previous problem seems to be fixed.
tutorial says: To make use of the created CelebritySource, add the following method to the ShowAll page class:
public GridDataSource getCelebritySource()
return new CelebritySource(dataSource);
Then change the source parameter of the Grid component in ShowAll.tml template:
<t:grid t:source="celebritySource" rowsPerPage="5"
row="celebrity" t:model="model">
Run the application. Log in to view the ShowAll page, and as soon as the table with celebrities is displayed, you should see the following output:
Preparing selection. Index from 0 to 4 Property name is: null Sorting order ascending: true Getting value for row 0 Getting value for row 1 Getting value for row 2 Getting value for row 3 Getting value for row 4
page has error:
An unexpected application exception has occurred.
Exception assembling root component of page ShowAll: Could not convert 'model' into a component parameter binding: Exception generating conduit for expression 'model': Class org.apache.tapestry.pages.ShowAll does not contain a property (or public field) named 'model'.
After deleteing t:model="model" from t:grid
page has error:
An unexpected application exception has occurred.
Render queue error in SetupRender[ShowAll:grid]: Index: 0
Anyone out there had this problem?
Seems the example was missing a bit of code. Try adding the following to the page
private BeanModelSource beanModelSource;
private Messages messages;
public BeanModel<Celebrity> getModel() {
return beanModelSource.createDisplayModel(Celebrity.class, messages);
From the T5 Grid Component Ref:
The model used to identify the properties to be presented and the order of presentation.
The above should create you a default BeanModel, based on public methods and properties.