I'm using Java and Jena API. I have a class Marriage which have 3 Object Properties called "hasHusband", "Haswife" and "dateOfMarriage". The first two are associated with a class Person which has the datatypeproperties hasFirstName, hasLastName, dateOfBirth....
Through the code below I can access the hasFirstName property of the husband.
StmtIterator iter = onto.model.listStatements(null,onto.hasHusband,(RDFNode)null);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt = iter.nextStatement();
Resource P = ((Resource) stmt.getObject());
StmtIterator iter2 = onto.model.listStatements(((Resource) P),onto.hasFirstName,(RDFNode)null);
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
Statement stmt2 = iter2.nextStatement();
firstnameHusband = stmt2.getObject().toString();
I would like to modify this line
StmtIterator iter2 = onto.model.listStatements(((Resource) P),onto.hasFirstName,(RDFNode)null);
in order to access also the hasLastName and hasDateofBirth...
Can you explain me how can I do this?
EDITED: @Pierre Now it concerns only the class Person. In case of womans I want to output in a new file (text file) this line below for each woman:
[label= \"" +firstName+ " \"\n\n\"D.Naiss:"+dnai1+"\", "+shape2+"]
And for each man this:
[label= \"" +firstName+ " \"\n\n\"D.Naiss:"+dnai1+"\", "+shape+"]
The diference is in the value of shape. The problem I have is that he only outputs one woman and one man.
A person is represented like this in my rdf file:
<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.fam.com/FAM#Bruno04/02/1980 ">
<j.0:FAMhasLastName>DS </j.0:FAMhasLastName>
<j.0:FAMhasFirstName> Bruno</j.0:FAMhasFirstName>
Here is the relevant code:
public void accessProp() {
readFile(inputFile); // rdf
String fname;
String dd;
String gen;
ExtendedIterator instances = onto.person.listInstances();
Individual instance = null;
Individual firstInstance = null;
while (instances.hasNext()) {
instance = (Individual) instances.next();
gen = instance.getPropertyValue(onto.hasGender).toString();
fname = instance.getPropertyValue(onto.hasFirstName).toString();
dd = instance.getPropertyValue(onto.hasDateOfBirth).toString();
writeFile(fname, dd, genr);
// Write text file
public void writeFile(String fn, String dbir, String gn) {
String fileout = "D:/file1.txt";
String firstName = fn;
String dateB = dbir;
String gender = gn;
BufferedWriter out;
try {
out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fileout, true));
if (gender.equals("F")) {
out.write("[label= \"" + firstName + " \"\n\n\"D.Naiss:" + dnai1 + "\", " + shape + "]");
else if (gender.equals("M")) {
out.write("[label= \"" + firstName + " \"\n\n\"D.Naiss:" + dnai1 + "\", " + shape2 + "]");
// flushes and closes the stream
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("There was a problem:" + e);
Can you tell me what should I do to solve my problem?
create a helper function to get a specific property:
public RDFNode getProperty(Resource subject,Property prop)
RDFNode object=null;
StmtIterator iter2 = this.onto.model.listStatements(subject,prop,(RDFNode)null);
while (iter2.hasNext()) {
object = iter2.nextStatement().getObject();
return object;
public String getPropertyAsString(Resource subject,Property prop)
RDFNode object=getProperty(subject,prop);
return object==null?null:object.toString();
String s1=getPropertyAsString(P,onto.hasFirstName);
String s2=getPropertyAsString(P,onto.hasLastName);