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Listbox isn't showing Headers

I have a Listbox (go figure), and this listbox is not tied to a RecordSource and is dynamically built based on other control choices, by the end-user. In the past I haven't had much of a problem with this but with this current dynamic query situation, the columns are not definitively constant. As the RecordSet being used is a CrossTab query, one quarter the CrossTab query may have 5 columns, the next 8 columns, and the next 3 columns.

Most of the ListBox's I have implemented have had a static amount of columns I can predict, but in this situation I am unable to predict the number of columns consistently.

I have set the ColumnHeads property to Yes, so thats not an issue and I even reset the ColumnHeads property against in VBA before the AddItem operation I have setup.

Logic I am using to operate in/around the Listbox in question (lstCategoryPG):

If lstCatType.ListIndex >= 0 Then
'Application.Echo False    'Turn off Screen Updating

    Dim crt As String: crt = "crt_CategoryPG"   'Cross-Tab Query
    Dim cttbl As String: cttbl = CreateCTTable(crt) 'Create Table to store the Cross-Tab information
    Dim sql As String: sql = SQLSelect(cttbl)
    Dim flds As DAO.Recordset: Set flds = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
    Dim fldwd As String     'Store the Field Width pattern
    fldwd = "0"";0"";2"""   'Handles `tid` and `cid` columns in the ListBox
    'Assign the number of columns based on the number of fields in CTtable
    lstCategoryPG.ColumnCount = flds.Fields.Count

    Dim fld As Long
    For fld = 3 To (flds.Fields.Count - 1)
        fldwd = fldwd & ";.75"""
    flds.Close: Set flds = Nothing

    lstCategoryPG.ColumnWidths = fldwd

    sql = SQLSelect(cttbl, , ("tid = " & lstCatType.Value))

    lstCategoryPG.Enabled = True
    lstCategoryPG.ColumnHeads = True
    RefreshControl CurrentDb, lstCategoryPG, sql, , False
'Application.Echo True     'Turn Screen Updating back on
End If


  • Tentative break-fix solution that worked for me until i can get into the guts and see why the Column Headers are not being pulled from the query fields.

    If lstCatType.ListIndex >= 0 Then
    'Application.Echo False    'Turn off Screen Updating
        Dim crt As String: crt = "crt_CategoryPG"   'Cross-Tab Query
        Dim cttbl As String: cttbl = CreateCTTable(crt) 'Create Table to store the Cross-Tab information
        Dim sql As String: sql = SQLSelect(cttbl)
        Dim flds As DAO.Recordset: Set flds = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
        Dim fldwd As String, fldhd As String      'Store the Field Width pattern and Field Header Row
    --> fldhd = "-1;-1;Category"
        fldwd = "0"";0"";2.5"""   'Handles `tid` and `cid` columns in the ListBox
        'Assign the number of columns based on the number of fields in CTtable
        lstCategoryPG.ColumnCount = flds.Fields.Count
        Dim fld As Long
        For fld = 3 To (flds.Fields.Count - 1)
            fldwd = fldwd & ";.75"""
    -->     fldhd = fldhd & ";" & flds.Fields(fld).Name
        flds.Close: Set flds = Nothing
        lstCategoryPG.ColumnHeads = True
        lstCategoryPG.ColumnWidths = fldwd
        sql = SQLSelect(cttbl, , ("tid = " & lstCatType.Value))
        lstCategoryPG.Enabled = True
        RefreshControl CurrentDb, lstCategoryPG, sql, , False
    --> lstCategoryPG.AddItem fldhd, 0
    'Application.Echo True     'Turn Screen Updating back on
    End If