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Image Map Plugin for TinyMCE in joomla not working

I have installed the image-map plugin for Tiny MCE in Joomla 2.5.

It appears to be working alright in the backend. I have inserted an image in the article and created image map tags using the plugin button. The tags for image map appears to be correct

But when I am browsing in the front-end there seems to be no effect for the image map. Firebug shows the line image map area as disabled.

<img border="0" title="Ground Floor" src="/images/ground-floor.jpg">
<map id="imgmap2012831174531" name="imgmap2012831174531">

<area target="_blank" href="/" coords="212,934,294,1058"  alt="MYWEB SOLUTIONS" shape="rect">
The line with
<area target..... appears faded.

I have tried everything including installing a jquery no conflict plugin.


  • <object data="images/sampledata/fruitshop/map.png" usemap="#map" border="0">
    <map id="map" name="Map">
    • Map id should be same to usemap id.
    • You have to given the src in object tag. Then it will works fine..

    All the best....