How can you implement the common mobile site patterns easily with jsf2? Can i achieve it with prettyfaces?
Basically i want:
m.mysite/index renders mobileIndex.xhtml mysite/index renders index.xhtml
I want the "m." prefix specifically and I can't figure out how.
Using primefaces, tomcat7 and prettyfaces. Cheers
The complete solution for you question is posted on the Primefaces forum and can be found here here
Here is the relevant code:
The ViewHandler code
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
import javax.faces.application.ViewHandlerWrapper;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
public class MyViewHandlerWrapper extends ViewHandlerWrapper {
private ViewHandler wrapped;
public KxRenderKit(ViewHandler wrapped) {
this.wrapped = wrapped;
public ViewHandler getWrapped() {
return this.wrapped;
public String calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext context) {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest();
String userAgent = req.getHeader("user-agent");
String accept = req.getHeader("Accept");
if (userAgent != null && accept != null) {
UserAgentInfo agent = new UserAgentInfo(userAgent, accept);
if (agent.isMobileDevice()) {
return this.wrapped.calculateRenderKitId(context);
Implementation inside your Managed Bean
public void myPostConstruct(){
String renderKitId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getViewRoot().getRenderKitId();
UserAgent detection code
UserAgent detection code
/* *******************************************
// Copyright 2010-2012, Anthony Hand
// File version date: April 23, 2012
// Update:
// - Updated DetectAmazonSilk(): Fixed an issue in the detection logic.
// File version date: April 22, 2012 - Second update
// Update: To address additional Kindle issues...
// - Updated DetectRichCSS(): Excluded e-Ink Kindle devices.
// - Created DetectAmazonSilk(): Created to detect Kindle Fire devices in Silk mode.
// - Updated DetectMobileQuick(): Updated to include e-Ink Kindle devices and the Kindle Fire in Silk mode.
// File version date: April 11, 2012
// Update:
// - Added a new variable for the new BlackBerry Curve Touch (9380): deviceBBCurveTouch.
// - Updated DetectBlackBerryTouch() to support the new BlackBerry Curve Touch (9380).
// File version date: January 21, 2012
// Update:
// - Moved Windows Phone 7 to the iPhone Tier. WP7.5's IE 9-based browser is good enough now.
// - Added a new variable for 2 versions of the new BlackBerry Bold Touch (9900 and 9930): deviceBBBoldTouch.
// - Updated DetectBlackBerryTouch() to support the 2 versions of the new BlackBerry Bold Touch (9900 and 9930).
// - Updated DetectKindle() to focus on eInk devices only. The Kindle Fire should be detected as a regular Android device.
// File version date: August 22, 2011
// Update:
// - Updated DetectAndroidTablet() to fix a bug I introduced in the last fix!
// File version date: August 16, 2011
// Update:
// - Updated DetectAndroidTablet() to exclude Opera Mini, which was falsely reporting as running on a tablet device when on a phone.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// either express or implied. See the License for the specific
// language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Project Owner: Anthony Hand
// Email:
// Web Site:
// Source Files:
// Versions of this code are available for:
// PHP, JavaScript, Java, ASP.NET (C#), and Ruby
// *******************************************
* The DetectSmartPhone class encapsulates information about
* a browser's connection to your web site.
* You can use it to find out whether the browser asking for
* your site's content is probably running on a mobile device.
* The methods were written so you can be as granular as you want.
* For example, enquiring whether it's as specific as an iPod Touch or
* as general as a smartphone class device.
* The object's methods return true, or false.
public class UAgentInfo {
// User-Agent and Accept HTTP request headers
private String userAgent = "";
private String httpAccept = "";
// Let's store values for quickly accessing the same info multiple times.
public boolean isIphone = false;
public boolean isAndroidPhone = false;
public boolean isTierTablet = false;
public boolean isTierIphone = false;
public boolean isTierRichCss = false;
public boolean isTierGenericMobile = false;
// Initialize some initial smartphone string variables.
public static final String engineWebKit = "webkit";
public static final String deviceIphone = "iphone";
public static final String deviceIpod = "ipod";
public static final String deviceIpad = "ipad";
public static final String deviceMacPpc = "macintosh"; //Used for disambiguation
public static final String deviceAndroid = "android";
public static final String deviceGoogleTV = "googletv";
public static final String deviceXoom = "xoom"; //Motorola Xoom
public static final String deviceHtcFlyer = "htc_flyer"; //HTC Flyer
public static final String deviceSymbian = "symbian";
public static final String deviceS60 = "series60";
public static final String deviceS70 = "series70";
public static final String deviceS80 = "series80";
public static final String deviceS90 = "series90";
public static final String deviceWinPhone7 = "windows phone os 7";
public static final String deviceWinMob = "windows ce";
public static final String deviceWindows = "windows";
public static final String deviceIeMob = "iemobile";
public static final String devicePpc = "ppc"; //Stands for PocketPC
public static final String enginePie = "wm5 pie"; //An old Windows Mobile
public static final String deviceBB = "blackberry";
public static final String vndRIM = "vnd.rim"; //Detectable when BB devices emulate IE or Firefox
public static final String deviceBBStorm = "blackberry95"; //Storm 1 and 2
public static final String deviceBBBold = "blackberry97"; //Bold 97x0 (non-touch)
public static final String deviceBBBoldTouch = "blackberry 99"; //Bold 99x0 (touchscreen)
public static final String deviceBBTour = "blackberry96"; //Tour
public static final String deviceBBCurve = "blackberry89"; //Curve 2
public static final String deviceBBCurveTouch = "blackberry 938"; //Curve Touch 9380
public static final String deviceBBTorch = "blackberry 98"; //Torch
public static final String deviceBBPlaybook = "playbook"; //PlayBook tablet
public static final String devicePalm = "palm";
public static final String deviceWebOS = "webos"; //For Palm's line of WebOS devices
public static final String deviceWebOShp = "hpwos"; //For HP's line of WebOS devices
public static final String engineBlazer = "blazer"; //Old Palm
public static final String engineXiino = "xiino"; //Another old Palm
public static final String deviceKindle = "kindle"; //Amazon Kindle, eInk one
public static final String engineSilk = "silk"; //Amazon's accelerated Silk browser for Kindle Fire
public static final String deviceNuvifone = "nuvifone"; //Garmin Nuvifone
//Initialize variables for mobile-specific content.
public static final String vndwap = "vnd.wap";
public static final String wml = "wml";
//Initialize variables for other random devices and mobile browsers.
public static final String deviceTablet = "tablet"; //Generic term for slate and tablet devices
public static final String deviceBrew = "brew";
public static final String deviceDanger = "danger";
public static final String deviceHiptop = "hiptop";
public static final String devicePlaystation = "playstation";
public static final String deviceNintendoDs = "nitro";
public static final String deviceNintendo = "nintendo";
public static final String deviceWii = "wii";
public static final String deviceXbox = "xbox";
public static final String deviceArchos = "archos";
public static final String engineOpera = "opera"; //Popular browser
public static final String engineNetfront = "netfront"; //Common embedded OS browser
public static final String engineUpBrowser = "up.browser"; //common on some phones
public static final String engineOpenWeb = "openweb"; //Transcoding by OpenWave server
public static final String deviceMidp = "midp"; //a mobile Java technology
public static final String uplink = "";
public static final String engineTelecaQ = "teleca q"; //a modern feature phone browser
public static final String devicePda = "pda"; //some devices report themselves as PDAs
public static final String mini = "mini"; //Some mobile browsers put "mini" in their names.
public static final String mobile = "mobile"; //Some mobile browsers put "mobile" in their user agent strings.
public static final String mobi = "mobi"; //Some mobile browsers put "mobi" in their user agent strings.
//Use Maemo, Tablet, and Linux to test for Nokia"s Internet Tablets.
public static final String maemo = "maemo";
public static final String linux = "linux";
public static final String qtembedded = "qt embedded"; //for Sony Mylo
public static final String mylocom2 = "com2"; //for Sony Mylo also
//In some UserAgents, the only clue is the manufacturer.
public static final String manuSonyEricsson = "sonyericsson";
public static final String manuericsson = "ericsson";
public static final String manuSamsung1 = "sec-sgh";
public static final String manuSony = "sony";
public static final String manuHtc = "htc"; //Popular Android and WinMo manufacturer
//In some UserAgents, the only clue is the operator.
public static final String svcDocomo = "docomo";
public static final String svcKddi = "kddi";
public static final String svcVodafone = "vodafone";
//Disambiguation strings.
public static final String disUpdate = "update"; //pda vs. update
* Initialize the userAgent and httpAccept variables
* @param userAgent the User-Agent header
* @param httpAccept the Accept header
public UAgentInfo(String userAgent, String httpAccept) {
if (userAgent != null) {
this.userAgent = userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (httpAccept != null) {
this.httpAccept = httpAccept.toLowerCase();
//Intialize key stored values.
* Return the lower case HTTP_USER_AGENT
* @return userAgent
public String getUserAgent() {
return userAgent;
* Return the lower case HTTP_ACCEPT
* @return httpAccept
public String getHttpAccept() {
return httpAccept;
* Return whether the device is an Iphone or iPod Touch
* @return isIphone
public boolean getIsIphone() {
return isIphone;
* Return whether the device is in the Tablet Tier.
* @return isTierTablet
public boolean getIsTierTablet() {
return isTierTablet;
* Return whether the device is in the Iphone Tier.
* @return isTierIphone
public boolean getIsTierIphone() {
return isTierIphone;
* Return whether the device is in the 'Rich CSS' tier of mobile devices.
* @return isTierRichCss
public boolean getIsTierRichCss() {
return isTierRichCss;
* Return whether the device is a generic, less-capable mobile device.
* @return isTierGenericMobile
public boolean getIsTierGenericMobile() {
return isTierGenericMobile;
* Initialize Key Stored Values.
public void initDeviceScan() {
this.isIphone = detectIphoneOrIpod();
this.isAndroidPhone = detectAndroidPhone();
this.isTierTablet = detectTierTablet();
this.isTierIphone = detectTierIphone();
this.isTierRichCss = detectTierRichCss();
this.isTierGenericMobile = detectTierOtherPhones();
* Detects if the current device is an iPhone.
* @return detection of an iPhone
public boolean detectIphone() {
// The iPad and iPod touch say they're an iPhone! So let's disambiguate.
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceIphone) != -1 &&
!detectIpad() &&
!detectIpod()) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is an iPod Touch.
* @return detection of an iPod Touch
public boolean detectIpod() {
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceIpod) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is an iPad tablet.
* @return detection of an iPad
public boolean detectIpad() {
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceIpad) != -1
&& detectWebkit()) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is an iPhone or iPod Touch.
* @return detection of an iPhone or iPod Touch
public boolean detectIphoneOrIpod() {
//We repeat the searches here because some iPods may report themselves as an iPhone, which would be okay.
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceIphone) != -1
|| userAgent.indexOf(deviceIpod) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects *any* iOS device: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad.
* @return detection of an Apple iOS device
public boolean detectIos() {
if (detectIphoneOrIpod() || detectIpad()) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects *any* Android OS-based device: phone, tablet, and multi-media player.
* Also detects Google TV.
* @return detection of an Android device
public boolean detectAndroid() {
if ((userAgent.indexOf(deviceAndroid) != -1) ||
return true;
//Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet. It should report here.
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceHtcFlyer) != -1)
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is a (small-ish) Android OS-based device
* used for calling and/or multi-media (like a Samsung Galaxy Player).
* Google says these devices will have 'Android' AND 'mobile' in user agent.
* Ignores tablets (Honeycomb and later).
* @return detection of an Android phone
public boolean detectAndroidPhone() {
if (detectAndroid() && (userAgent.indexOf(mobile) != -1))
return true;
//Special check for Android phones with Opera Mobile. They should report here.
if (detectOperaAndroidPhone())
return true;
//Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet. It should report here.
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceHtcFlyer) != -1)
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is a (self-reported) Android tablet.
* Google says these devices will have 'Android' and NOT 'mobile' in their user agent.
* @return detection of an Android tablet
public boolean detectAndroidTablet() {
//First, let's make sure we're on an Android device.
if (!detectAndroid())
return false;
//Special check for Opera Android Phones. They should NOT report here.
if (detectOperaMobile())
return false;
//Special check for the HTC Flyer 7" tablet. It should NOT report here.
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceHtcFlyer) != -1)
return false;
//Otherwise, if it's Android and does NOT have 'mobile' in it, Google says it's a tablet.
if ((userAgent.indexOf(mobile) > -1))
return false;
return true;
* Detects if the current device is an Android OS-based device and
* the browser is based on WebKit.
* @return detection of an Android WebKit browser
public boolean detectAndroidWebKit() {
if (detectAndroid() && detectWebkit()) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current device is a GoogleTV.
* @return detection of GoogleTV
public boolean detectGoogleTV() {
if (userAgent.indexOf(deviceGoogleTV) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current browser is based on WebKit.
* @return detection of a WebKit browser
public boolean detectWebkit() {
if (userAgent.indexOf(engineWebKit) != -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Detects if the current browser is the Symbian S60 Open Source Browser.
* @return detection of Symbian S60 Browser
public boolean detectS60OssBrowser() {
//First, test for WebKit, then make sure it's either Symbian or S60.
if (detectWebkit()
&& (userAgent.indexOf(deviceSymbian) != -1
|| userAgent.indexOf(deviceS60) != -1)) {
return true;
return false;
code continued in another answer