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smooth svg path connection

I have a random set of points and want to create a smooth svg shape with raphaeljs. To connect the points I am using a catmull-rom-spline. The problem is that the point where the path is closed is not smooth.

This is an example path out of my projcet:

M125,275R 125,325 175,325 225,325 275,325 225,275 175,275 125,275Z

I've also created a jsfiddle:

Can this be achieved with catmull curves? If not, can you please give me an example how to get a completely smoothed shape?

Much thanks in advance, McFarlane


  • In your first example, the path started at 125,275 and was at 125,275 again, before closing. Because 'Z' creates another smooth path segment connecting start and end point, you get that small loop. If you close it before returning to the startingpoint, you get the desired smooth shape touching all given points.

    This is the corrected version of the example path:

    M125,275R 125,325 175,325 225,325 275,325 225,275 175,275Z