I have been exploring some way in VIM to automatically append closing characters to a line of code. In my case it is CSS. I came across this tip http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Automatically_append_closing_characters and tweaked the code it tells me to add to my .vimrc
like so
inoremap { {}<Left>
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>O
inoremap {{ {
inoremap {} {}
so when I write
and then press { and ENTER in rapid succession what results is
body {
Note that the cursor will be indented and on the 2nd line so I will be ready to write code in that block.
Also I should mention that I also added the following to my .vimrc
inoremap :: :;<Left>
so that when I type : and : in rapid succession I will get :;
with the cursor located in between the :
and ;
. This exactly where I want to be so I can start writing code right away.
I got that working fine but I quickly realized that the auto complete plug in that I installed (AutoComplPop VIM plug-in http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1879) conflicts with the above .vimrc
So for example, if I start to write color
I get the drop auto completion drop down menu of all options. The problem is that the option for color
is actually color:
You see it has a colon already added to it so when I select it, the colon is already there and then I have to manually add the closing ;
character. This basically defeats the whole purpose of adding the auto appending closing character code to my .vimrc
since in this case, it does not auto append the closing semicolon.
So how do I make a custom edit to VIM's Omni Completion so that all CSS properties do not end in a colon?
CSS auto completion options for VIM and came across AutoComplPop here http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1879
Assuming you are on a UNIX-like system…
Find the loop that generates the list of properties, for me it's at line 92.
Remove the colon from the second parameter of the two add()
These lines:
call add(res, m . ':')
call add(res2, m . ':')
call add(res, m)
call add(res2, m)
Save the file.
Also there are many plugins for "auto closing" pairs of characters. I use DelimitMate.
And the issue is not related to ACP at all.