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Determining if any divs are hidden in jQuery

I have a RadTreeView with a custom NodeTemplate. Inside that node template, I have the node surrounded in a div, like so:

<div id="divCommandRow">
    <!-- My template goes here -->

After the RadTreeView renders, my DOM has several <div id="divCommandRow"> divs in the DOM. My question is, how can I use jQuery to query if any of these div's have display: none style? I created the following code, but it doesn't seem to work:

    function IsInEditMode() {
        $('#divCommandRow').each(function () {
            if ($(this).is(':visible'))
                return true;
        return false;

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


  • $('selector').length == $('selector:visible').length


    $('selector:not(:visible)').length == 0

    With this condition you check if all the elements that match selector selector are visible