Here is the annotation:
@Target(value = ElementType.TYPE)
@Retention(value = RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)
public @interface MyAnnotation {
String name();
Here is one annotated class:
public class ClassA {
public ClassA() {
// Do something
Here is a second annotated class:
public class ClassB {
public ClassB(String aString) {
// Do something
I am looking for an aspectj pointcut that correctly matches the constructors for ClassA and ClassB while not matching any other constructor for any other class NOT annotated by MyAnnotation
Your pointcut should look like this:
execution((@MyAnnotation *).new(..))
If the annotation is in another package:
execution((@de.scrum_master.aop.demo.MyAnnotation *).new(..))
Or if you do not want to fully qualify the package:
execution((@*..MyAnnotation *).new(..))
Edit: Okay, some more info about your question in the comment:
Constructor executions have no return value which you could capture in
after() returning(Object myObject) : myJoinpoint()
This only works for methods. So please use
after(Object myObject) returning : myJoinpoint() && this(myObject)
instead if you do need the constructed object for any purpose.