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Magento Admin Module Controllers - Loading another action

I am trying to create a new module for Magento that is only visible from the Admin Area.

I have successfully created the module and have now created a controller called 'editproducts'. In this controller I have indexAction and testAction.

When I go to /quickedit/editproducts/ it loads the indexAction from the controller perfectly fine, however when I go to /quickedit/editproducts/test/ it is redirecting to the dashboard and not calling the testAction. From the tutorials I have seen I appear to have set everything up correctly.

My config.xml file:




        <menu1 translate="title" module="quickedit">
                <menuitem1 module="quickedit">
                    <title>Edit Products</title>
                                <title>Edit Products</title>

My EditproductsController.php

class Test_Quickedit_EditproductsController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
    echo 'edit products';

public function testAction()
    echo 'test';


  • This is just because of the URL which you are redirecting does not contain the Key

    If you check the admin modules URL then you see a key is also added in the URL so in order to generate the correct URL use the below code.

    $URL = Mage::helper("adminhtml")->getUrl("mymodule/adminhtml_mycontroller/myaction/",array("param1"=>1,"param2"=>2));


    $URL = Mage::helper("adminhtml")->getUrl("mymodule/adminhtml_mycontroller/myaction/");

    Hope this helps!!