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How to send informations to RFT playback window when running scripts?

When Rational Functional Tester runs a script, it shows the current script name, line number, and method.

Rational Functional Tester Playback window

When I run my own code or external tools, line number and method name remain empty.

How to send these informations to the playback window? I have some time-consuming jobs (checks on PDFs, database I/O, file transfers over network) and would like to update the status (the method name) at the beginning of each small job, to be sure that things are proceeding.


  • You can use the following code :

     IPlaybackMonitor pbMonitor = (IPlaybackMonitor)ServiceBroker.getServiceBroker().findService(IPlaybackMonitor.class.getName());
        if ( pbMonitor != null )
            pbMonitor.setDescription(IPlaybackMonitor.RUNNING, "MyTestCode");