If I had an instruction like 00010101 for example, and I had it in ram for programs to access, how would I be able to excecute that instruction in assembly language without using OS functions? I am using Fasm for intel. Thanks.
EDIT: I know this is really crappy code, I havnt even assembled it yet and I know a lot is wrong, but keep in mind this is for learning purposes. This is the part of the code that loads a file with binary instructions and stores it in ram. Once again I know it is very crappy.
mov dx, 1F7h
in dx, bl
bt bl, 6 ;this reads the sixth bit of bl and stores it in the carry flag(cf)
cmp cf, 1 ;if bit 6 is one, then the hard drive is signaling that it is ready for the next operation
jz loadkernel
clc ;clear carry flag
mov eax, 300h
mov ecx, eax ;copy the starting point of the kernel in memory to ecx
mov ebx, 0 ;clear
mov edx, 0 ;clear
mov bl, 1F4h
out ebx, bl ;give the hard drive the low address of the location of the kernel
mov bl, 1F5h
out 0h, bl ;give the hard drive the high address of the location of the kernel
mov bl, 1F0h
in edx, bl ;read the hard drive
mov [eax], edx ;add kernel data to memory
add eax, 1
inc ebx ;move the hard drive reading head thing forward
mov ip, [eax] ;mov the instruction pointer to memory, so that the computer excecutes the kernel
cmp edx, 0AA55h
jz beginload ;if 0AA55h is not at the end, then read the next data of the kernel.
Depending on your execution environment, you may have to disable (most) OS's Execute-Disable security for your program. This is put into place so that a vulnerable program is much harder to inject code into. If you're running in a freestanding environment such as DOS or your own kernel, this isn't anything to worry about.
Anyway, all you have to do is this:
mov ax,0x9090 //0x90 is opcode for NOP
mov [code],ax
jmp foo //this is a 2-byte opcode (so long as it does the "correct" behavior and generate a relative jmp
hlt //this will get executed "magically"
//won't get here