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Setting up Stat-ET Sweave for the first time

I've been following the Getting started with Sweave guide and created a new project folder called MISC with a subfolder called Sweave.

I've placed my sample .Rnw file in this folder together with a copy of the Sweave.sty file. I then changed my R working directory to MISC\Sweave. Sweave does create the TEX file without problems, but then complains:

Project output file format not set in project

I've checked the project properties and I can't quite work out where I should set it. Any ideas?

P.S.: Does this mean that I will have to set this up for every single project I want to Sweave?


  • Since your .tex file is located in a folder within your project folder, you will have to add the directory/folder name to your specified .tex and .pdf filenames.

    1. Under the Project Properties > Latex Project Properties for your 'MISC' project folder, the first text box, Main TeX File, should be something like '/Sweave/myfile.tex' where 'myfile.tex' is the name of your Sweave document with the .tex extension.
    2. The directory path should also be added to the name of your Output File in the second textbox: e.x. '/Sweave/myfile.pdf'.

    To answer your P.S., if every project is in a separate project folder, you will have to set this up for every project since you have to specify single main .tex and output files.