I was wondering whether use jquery´s getScript or not.
I have a jQuery plugin that I need to include in my site, but I am unsure what to do and I am wondering if there is a difference between these approaches:
In my case, I have to include a rather big script, but only for IE browsers. At this moment I do it like this:
//minifed code
Now I was wondering if this:
$.getScript('link to minified script');
would have any advantages/disadvantages? Or if it is more or less the same thing?
There will be disadvantages to getting an external script.
i.e. ONE HTTP request
//minifed code
TWO HTTP requests
$.getScript('link to minified script');
Your browser can only generally cope with 2 http requests at any one time. So from a performance point of view, the first will be faster.
further explanation
with getScript
, IE users will have a smaller request, (-the size of your "minified code"). But everyone else will have to download the external script everytime (+ the size of your external script * number of page requests) + delay in response due to extra HTTP request.
with the minified code everyone will have to download your size of your minifed code (+minified code size).
Presuming your minifed code is say 5K and is accessed 10 time that means:
IE GetScript:
(5K * 10) + performance of using second HTTP request = 50K+
IE nonGetScript