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Limit supported screen sizes in the amazon app store

I'm about to release a few apps for the Google Play store and the Amazon app store. One of these apps should only be shown in the app store for a screen size that is considered either small or normal and two others should only be shown in the app store for a screen size that is considered either large or xlarge.

I know I can use the <compatible-screens> element in the manifest file for the Google Play store, but will the same technique work for the Amazon app store? I've looked all over the amazon developer site, and read through their FAQ three times and can't seem to find anything that would indicate either way.

If the <compatible-screens> method won't work for the Amazon app store, then is there something that will work for both?


  • Got a response from amazon, they said

    From an app manifest perspective, currently the expression builder uses the portion and the sdk/os version of a given android app to build the expression. It does not leverage the following (newer) sections that provide more valuable input about the compatibility of the application.

    <uses-feature> :

    <supports-screen> :

    <compatible-screen> :