I decompiled an apk and see many while loops that return immediately only to be followed by other code:
while (true){
if (!cond1){
if (cond2){
If you wanted to produce this code in a decompile, what Java code would you write to get there?
Note. The decompile process is apktool -> baksmali -> smali -> dex2jar
I can't actually get at the original Java bytecode from the Android APK (at least I don't know how to). It may be that my tools are doing a poor reverse-engineering job, but here is what the output of smali is:
.line 40
const/4 v0, 0x0
iput v0, p0, Lcom/sec/android/app/camera/command/ContextualTagSelectCommand;->mContextualTag:I
goto :goto_8
.line 44
const/4 v0, 0x1
iput v0, p0, Lcom/sec/android/app/camera/command/ContextualTagSelectCommand;->mContextualTag:I
goto :goto_8
Which corresponds to:
while (true)
this.mContextualTag = 0;
this.mContextualTag = 1;
Your bytecode is a fragment of a compiled switch statement. Specifically, it was implemented using the sparse switch Dalvik bytecode instruction. You are showing only two switch cases, where both assign to mContextualTag
and then execute the return
statement. This return
is placed at a single point in the program and the switch cases jump to it. The labels sswitch_9
and sswitch_d
may be indicating the relative offsets from the sswitch
instruction itself.