I'm having a problem, I can't make a loop inside this code:
class ProductsPager
constructor: ->
waitformsg: =>
alert 'begin'
type: "GET"
url: ""
async: true
cache: false
timeout: 1000
success: (data) ->
alert data
error: (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) ->
alert "end"
waitformsg()setTimeout "waitformsg()", 0
The two arlerts are for debugging. It displays me only one time of each: "begin", and right after "end" and nothing else.
I have concluded that the last line is wrong and I need to find a way to call a method inside Ajax.
I have tried to replace setTimeout "waitformsg()", 0
by this.waitformsg()
or even waitformsg()
but it still doesn't work.
I would like to display infinite "alerts" untill the right conditions to succeed are gathered.
These two:
setTimeout waitformsg, 0
won't work because there is no waitformsg
function in scope.
setTimeout "waitformsg()", 0
won't work because there is no global function called waitformsg
, the string form of setTimeout
executes the string in the global context. I'd recommend that you forget that setTimeout
even has a string form.
You should bind the callbacks to the current context using a fat arrow (=>
waitformsg: =>
alert 'begin'
error: (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) =>
alert "end"
And if you want the error handler to wait a second before trying again:
setTimeout @waitformsg, 1000
The waitformsg
method will run in the correct context because you defined it as a bound function.
A couple more things while I'm here:
Using @
is more idiomatic in CoffeeScript than using this
so your constructor should be:
constructor: ->
jQuery's async:true
flag for $.ajax
has been deprecated so you should stop using it. async:true
is also a nasty thing to do to your users (especially in a loop) so again, you should stop using it.