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Template Haskell compile error

Consider the following code:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

import Data.HList.GhcSyntax((.!.),(.=.),(.*.))
import Data.HList.Record(emptyRecord)
import Data.HList.TypeCastGeneric1
import Data.HList.TypeEqGeneric1
import Data.HList.Label5

data Hello1 = Hello1
data Hello2 = Hello2

record = (Hello1 .=. "Hello1") .*. (Hello2 .=. "Hello2") .*. emptyRecord

f1 = $([| (\r1 -> (r1 .!. Hello1)) |]) 

main = print $ f1 record

This compiles fine and prints out "Hello1" as expected.

However, adding the following line (GHC 7.4.1) gives a compile error:

f2 = $([| (\r2 -> (r2 .!. Hello2)) |]) 

The error given is:

    Could not deduce (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r0 v0)
      arising from the ambiguity check for `main'
    from the context (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v)
      bound by the inferred type for `main':
                 Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v => IO ()
      at error.hs:(16,1)-(20,38)
    Possible fix:
      add an instance declaration for
      (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r0 v0)
    When checking that `main'
      has the inferred type `forall r v.
                             Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v =>
                             IO ()'
    Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous

    Could not deduce (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r0 v0)
      arising from the ambiguity check for `f1'
    from the context (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v)
      bound by the inferred type for `f1':
                 Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v =>
                      (Data.HList.Record.LVPair Hello1 [Char])
                         (Data.HList.Record.LVPair Hello2 [Char])
                 -> [Char]
      at error.hs:(16,1)-(20,38)
    Possible fix:
      add an instance declaration for
      (Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r0 v0)
    When checking that `f1'
      has the inferred type `forall r v.
                             Data.HList.Record.HasField Hello2 r v =>
                                  (Data.HList.Record.LVPair Hello1 [Char])
                                     (Data.HList.Record.LVPair Hello2 [Char])
                             -> [Char]'
    Probable cause: the inferred type is ambiguous

Why does adding the f2 line result in a compile error?

Note: The Template Haskell parts may look silly here, but they are a simplification of more complex Template Haskell which does work on tuples. I've posted the simplest example I could construct that still exhibited the error. I realise removing the Template Haskell fixes the issue in this case, but that isn't an option in my real code.


In addition, the following fails to compile. Why is this the case:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

import Data.HList.GhcSyntax((.!.),(.=.),(.*.))
import Data.HList.Record(emptyRecord)
import Data.HList.TypeCastGeneric1
import Data.HList.TypeEqGeneric1
import Data.HList.Label5

data Hello1 = Hello1
data Hello2 = Hello2
data Hello3 = Hello3

record1 = (Hello1 .=. "Hello1") .*. (Hello2 .=. "Hello2") .*. emptyRecord
record2 = (Hello1 .=. "Hello1") .*. (Hello2 .=. "Hello2") .*. (Hello3 .=. "Hello3") .*. emptyRecord

f1 = $([| (\r1 -> (r1 .!. Hello1)) |]) 

main = print $ (f1 record1, f1 record2)


  • I've found giving your top level functions type signatures fixes any issues. See the code below:

    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    module X where
      import Data.HList.GhcSyntax((.!.))
      f = [| (\x r -> (r .!. x)) |]
    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
    import Data.HList.GhcSyntax((.!.),(.=.),(.*.))
    import Data.HList.Record(emptyRecord)
    import Data.HList.TypeCastGeneric1
    import Data.HList.TypeEqGeneric1
    import Data.HList.Label5
    import X
    import Data.HList.Record (HasField)
    data Hello1 = Hello1
    data Hello2 = Hello2
    data Hello3 = Hello3
    record1 = (Hello1 .=. "Hello1") .*. (Hello2 .=. "Hello2") .*. emptyRecord
    record2 = (Hello1 .=. "Hello1") .*. (Hello2 .=. "Hello2") .*. (Hello3 .=. "Hello3") .*. emptyRecord
    g1 :: (HasField Hello1 a b) => a -> b -- Type signature here
    g1 = $(f) Hello1
    g2 :: (HasField Hello2 a b) => a -> b -- Type signature here
    g2 = $(f) Hello2
    main = print $ (g1 record1, g2 record1, g1 record2, g2 record2)