I'd like to use hamcrest to assert that two maps are equal, i.e. they have the same set of keys pointing to the same values.
My current best guess is:
assertThat( affA.entrySet(), hasItems( affB.entrySet() );
which gives:
The method
assertThat(T, Matcher<T>)
in the typeAssert
is not applicable for the arguments (Set<Map.Entry<Householdtypes,Double>>, Matcher<Iterable<Set<Map.Entry<Householdtypes,Double>>>>
I've also looked into variations of containsAll
, and some others provided by the hamcrest packages. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or do I have to write a custom matcher?
The shortest way I've come up with is two statements:
assertThat( affA.entrySet(), everyItem(isIn(affB.entrySet())));
assertThat( affB.entrySet(), everyItem(isIn(affA.entrySet())));
But you can probably also do:
assertThat(affA.entrySet(), equalTo(affB.entrySet()));
depending on the implementations of the maps, and sacrificing the clarity of the difference report: that would just tell you that there is a difference, while the statement above would also tell you which one.
UPDATE: actually there is one statement that works independently of the collection types:
assertThat(affA.entrySet(), both(everyItem(isIn(affB.entrySet()))).and(containsInAnyOrder(affB.entrySet().toArray())));