There's a simple example in Programming in Scala by Odersky et al on abstract types, but it does not seem to follow to it's logical conclusion [now edited to make this my exact code]:
class Food
class Grass extends Food
class FishFood extends Food
abstract class Animal {
type Feed <: Food
def eat(food: Feed)
class Cow extends Animal {
type Feed = Grass
override def eat(food: Grass) = {}
class Test extends App {
val cow: Animal = new Cow FishFood) Grass)
They explain this will prevent me doing (as above):
val cow: Animal = new Cow FishFood)
So far so good. But the next natural step does not seem to work either: Grass)
I get a compile error:
type mistmatch;
found : Grass
required: Test.this.cow.Feed Grass)
But cow.Feed is Grass, so why doesn't this work?
The problem here is that your val cow
is typed as Animal
rather than Cow
, so all that the compiler knows is that its eat
method expects some specific subtype of Food
, but it doesn't know which, and in particular it's unable to prove that that type is equal to Grass
You can see the difference this makes to the type of the method (as viewed from Animal
vs. as viewed from Cow
) by asking for it's eta-expansion,
scala> val cow: Animal = new Cow
cow: Animal = Cow@13c02dc4
scala> _
res12: cow.Feed => Unit = <function1>
scala> cow.asInstanceOf[Cow].eat _
res13: Grass => Unit = <function1>
You'll notice that in the second, more precisely typed, case the compiler views the method as taking an argument of type Grass
rather than the abstract type cow.Feed