I need my app to be executable without installed jre. It also uses rxtx, and there are different jars and dlls for 32- and 64-bit systems. Is there any Java AOT compiler for Windows, supporting 64-bit systems? All I've managed to google is that Excelsior Jet has some alpha version, but I can't figure out if (or how) can I make final exe there.
I would go with a combo of java to exe wrapper (e.g. Launch4j), JRE bundling and an installer builder (e.g. InnoSetup). Bundling a complete JRE adds only about 20MB to the installer (you may be able to shave off a few MB by stripping things you don't need from the JRE).
I'm using above combination to supply a (company private) application to subcontractors (which are usually complete computer dummies). You can manage all the target machine customization with the installer (e.g. set proper access rights on installed files for later updates).
You may also consider not deliver any specialized 64-bit version to cut down size. If the programm runs fine with a 32-bit VM, there is no added value for the user in a 64 bit (JRE) version. The difference in performance is neglible in most cases and if you have no use for exceptionally large heaps (>1GB) its a waste of time to supply an extra 64bit JRE.