How do I thunk an arbitrary function with an arbitrary (fixed) number of arguments, on x86 and x64?
(I don't need floating-point, SSE, or the like. The arguments are all integers or pointers.)
I initially made it with AsmJit, then modified it by hand to remove the dependency.
It works for both x86 and x64!
It works for both cdecl and stdcall!
It should also work for "thiscall", both on VC++ and GCC, but I haven't tested it.
(VC++ would probably not touch the 'this' pointer, whereas GCC would treat it as the first argument.)
It can bind an arbitrary number of arguments at any position in the parameter list!
Just beware:
It does not work for variadic functions, like printf
Doing so would either require you to provide the number of arguments dynamically (which is painful) or would require you to store the return-pointers somewhere other than the stack, which is complicated.
It was not designed for ultra-high performance, but it should still be fast enough.
The speed is O(total parameter count), not O(bound parameter count).
#include <stddef.h>
size_t vbind(
void *(/* cdecl, stdcall, or thiscall */ *f)(), size_t param_count,
unsigned char buffer[/* >= 128 + n * (5 + sizeof(int) + sizeof(void*)) */],
size_t const i, void *const bound[], unsigned int const n, bool const thiscall)
unsigned char *p = buffer;
unsigned char s = sizeof(void *);
unsigned char b = sizeof(int) == sizeof(void *) ? 2 : 3; // log2(sizeof(void *))
*p++ = 0x55; // push rbp
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0xEC; // mov rbp, rsp
if (b > 2)
*p++ = 0x48; *p++ = 0x89; *p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 2 * s; // mov [rsp + 2 * s], rcx
*p++ = 0x48; *p++ = 0x89; *p++ = 0x54; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 3 * s; // mov [rsp + 3 * s], rdx
*p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x89; *p++ = 0x44; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 4 * s; // mov [rsp + 4 * s], r8
*p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x89; *p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 5 * s; // mov [rsp + 5 * s], r9
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xBA; *(*(size_t **)&p)++ = param_count; // mov rdx, <param_count>
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0xC2; // mov rax, rdx
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xC1; *p++ = 0xE0; *p++ = b; // shl rax, log2(sizeof(void *))
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x2B; *p++ = 0xE0; // sub rsp, rax
*p++ = 0x57; // push rdi
*p++ = 0x56; // push rsi
*p++ = 0x51; // push rcx
*p++ = 0x9C; // pushfq
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xF7; *p++ = 0xD8; // neg rax
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8D; *p++ = 0x7C; *p++ = 0x05; *p++ = 0x00; // lea rdi, [rbp + rax]
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8D; *p++ = 0x75; *p++ = 2 * s; // lea rsi, [rbp + 10h]
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xB9; *(*(size_t **)&p)++ = i; // mov rcx, <i>
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x2B; *p++ = 0xD1; // sub rdx, rcx
*p++ = 0xFC; // cld
*p++ = 0xF3; if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xA5; // rep movs [rdi], [rsi]
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n; j++)
unsigned int const o = j * sizeof(p);
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xB8; *(*(void ***)&p)++ = bound[j]; // mov rax, <arg>
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x89; *p++ = 0x87; *(*(int **)&p)++ = o; // mov [rdi + <iArg>], rax
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xB8; *(*(size_t **)&p)++ = n; // mov rax, <count>
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x2B; *p++ = 0xD0; // sub rdx, rax
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xC1; *p++ = 0xE0; *p++ = b; // shl rax, log2(sizeof(void *))
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x03; *p++ = 0xF8; // add rdi, rax
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0xCA; // mov rcx, rdx
*p++ = 0xF3; if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0xA5; // rep movs [rdi], [rsi]
*p++ = 0x9D; // popfq
*p++ = 0x59; // pop rcx
*p++ = 0x5E; // pop rsi
*p++ = 0x5F; // pop rdi
if (b > 2)
*p++ = 0x48; *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 0 * s; // mov rcx, [rsp + 0 * s]
*p++ = 0x48; *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0x54; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 1 * s; // mov rdx, [rsp + 1 * s]
*p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0x44; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 2 * s; // mov r8 , [rsp + 2 * s]
*p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0x4C; *p++ = 0x24; *p++ = 3 * s; // mov r9 , [rsp + 3 * s]
*p++ = 0x48; *p++ = 0xB8; *(*(void *(***)())&p)++ = f; // mov rax, <target_ptr>
*p++ = 0xFF; *p++ = 0xD0; // call rax
if (thiscall) { *p++ = 0x59; } // pop rcx
*p++ = 0xE8; *(*(ptrdiff_t **)&p)++ = (unsigned char *)f - p
#ifdef _MSC_VER
- s // for unknown reasons, GCC doesn't like this
; // call <fn_rel>
if (b > 2) { *p++ = 0x48; } *p++ = 0x8B; *p++ = 0xE5; // mov rsp, rbp
*p++ = 0x5D; // pop rbp
*p++ = 0xC3; // ret
return p - &buffer[0];
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <Windows.h>
void *__cdecl test(void *value, void *x, void *y, void *z, void *w, void *u)
if (u > 0) { test(value, x, y, z, w, (void *)((size_t)u - 1)); }
printf("Test called! %p %p %p %p %p %p\n", value, x, y, z, w, u);
return value;
struct Test
void *local;
void *operator()(void *value, void *x, void *y, void *z, void *w, void *u)
if (u > 0) { (*this)(value, x, y, z, w, (void *)((size_t)u - 1)); }
printf("Test::operator() called! %p %p %p %p %p %p %p\n", local, value, x, y, z, w, u);
return value;
int main()
unsigned char thunk[1024]; unsigned long old;
VirtualProtect(&thunk, sizeof(thunk), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);
void *args[] = { (void *)0xBAADF00DBAADF001, (void *)0xBAADF00DBAADF002 };
void *(Test::*f)(void *value, void *x, void *y, void *z, void *w, void *u) = &Test::operator();
Test obj = { (void *)0x1234 };
assert(sizeof(f) == sizeof(void (*)())); // virtual function are too big, they're not supported :(
vbind(*(void *(**)())&f, 1 + 6, thunk, 1 + 1, args, sizeof(args) / sizeof(*args), true);
((void *(*)(void *, int, int, int, int))&thunk)(&obj, 3, 4, 5, 6);
vbind((void *(*)())test, 6, thunk, 1, args, sizeof(args) / sizeof(*args), false);
((void *(*)(int, int, int, int))&thunk)(3, 4, 5, 6);