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How to write JavasScript project using guard-livereload?

I would like to start learn JS. I found gem guard-livereload.

In my Rails apps it works great. But I would like to use it to reload local files for simple JS scripts.

so I installed guard-livereload to rvm gemset global. Created new dir javascript added to Guardfile

guard :livereload do

opened Chrome with Livereload extension(1.6)

This is from my console:

> guard                                                                                                                                                                    /Users/rege/Code/javascript 1.9.3p194 @
Guard could not detect any of the supported notification libraries.
Guard is now watching at '/Users/rege/Code/javascript'
LiveReload 1.6 is waiting for a browser to connect.
Browser connected.
Browser URL: file://localhost/Users/rege/Code/javascript/examples/example_1_2.html
Reloading browser: examples/example_1_2.html
Reloading browser: examples/example_1_2.html
Reloading browser: examples/example_1_2.html

My Guard version:

> gem list guard                                                                                                                                                           /Users/rege/Code/javascript 1.9.3p194 @

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

guard (1.3.0)
guard-livereload (1.0.0)

All seems works but Chrome doesn`t refresh page.


  • In Chrome you have to explicitly give extensions permissions to file urls. Right click on the LiveReload icon, go to manage extensions, and give LiveReload permissions to file urls.