I was recently going over the CustomView tutorial on developers.android.com, and while I was adapting the code to my own project, I noticed that although the errors were marked, line-by-line in the class editor, they were going entirely undetected by lint.
So far, I've tried this & an article that suggested I simply "Save Perspective As..." and restart Eclipse.
I imagine this is an easy-to-fix problem, that I may have unknowingly caused, myself... Because errors in other projects show up in Lint just fine.
Perhaps I need to find the lint.xml as described in this question-?- Any idea where that may be?
After fiddling with this for quite some time, it would appear that the solution came from one of the following two things, if not both.
$ sudo chown me /myproject/
How I lost the ownership in the first place, I may never know.
And I also re-enabled "Java Builders" under the Builder property for the project. This is a solution for some problems, but not in this case. Now everything is back to normal.