I am wanting to start a new (open source) project, and I wish for it to be cross-platform on Windows and Mac OS X (Linux would be good, too!)
I am open for developing seperate front-ends for each platform, but the core logic should be shared.
I would need the following:
I have been researching this for quite awhile now, and I find these solutions quite attractive:
Mono pros:
Mono cons:
Lazarus with FPC pros:
Lazarus with FPC cons:
I also looked into Delphi XE2 with FireMonkey, but it does not use native controls, and it does not look native, due to the anti-aliasing. :(
Now, my biggest concern is, that I cant seem to find a TreeListView that works for Windows and OS X! I really need a treeview with columns.
The big points go to the technology that has a cross-platform TreeListView that works and is still supported.
Thank you for your time!
I would strongly suggest against Pascal.
It is a dying language, and as you noticed support will diminish with time.
The chance of asking a question and getting an answer is much better with more modern languages.
.NET/Mono is one good option.
.NET has TreeView in WPF, but it's not implemented in Mono, and as far as I know, it never will be.
Another option I'd suggest checking out is Java (Or even better - other JVM based languages such as Scala).
It's very cross-platform(Maybe the most cross-platform language), support is good and language is still evolving (Although it was stuck for a few years), and the syntax+code style is very similar to C#(excluding support for LINQ, etc.), which makes moving from one to another pretty straightforward.
JVM is a prerequisite, but it's not really big problem, as it's already installed on most machines.