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Slickgrid Horizontal Scrollbar adds Random Whitespace in IE9

While testing the fix for this issue:

Slickgrid Horizontal Scrollbar Covers Last Row

I noticed that the updated code causes "random" whitespace below the horizontal scrollbar in IE9. The jsFiddle does not run in IE9 with Browser Mode set to IE7 (SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number)

The error is not seen in:

  • Chrome (current)
  • Safari (current)
  • Firefox (current)
  • IE 9 with Browser Mode IE8

Fiddle demonstrating problem (view in IE9):

Added a comment to the appropriate ticket on GitHub but lack permission to re-open it.

NOTE: slick.grid.js is hosted on my own server because IE9 complained that reported an incorrect MIME type and refused to load it. That code corresponds to the change


IE9 in IE7 Browser Mode

There is a JavaScript error in IE9's IE7 Browser Mode that prevents the grid from rendering at all. However, the call stack is empty in the IE9 console. The error is

SCRIPT1028: Expected identifier, string or number  
show, line 90 character 1  

Clicking on the link in the JS Console gives the error Source code is not available for this location.

IE9 Regular Mode

Added screenshots from IE9. Note that there is no JavaScript error reported in IE9.

enter image description here


  • This happens only when you host your own slick.grid.js. After I changed your jsfiddle to include (not http://raw.github..., which doesn't have the right MIME type), everything started working.

    IE7 mode still fails, but the error seems to come from and not from SlickGrid.