I change the day value in the list by doing some calculations. But I can't show it in the list. When I try as follows, I get the error customerId must be uniqueid. I would be happy if you help. I'm using an old version of Serenity. I'm trying to do what I show in the photo.
this is my repository.cs
public ListResponse List(IDbConnection connection, ListRequest request)
List<dynamic> listeResmi = new List<dynamic>();
listeResmi = getAllTatilListe(connection);
var row = new MyRow();
var query = new SqlQuery().From(row).SelectTableFields();
query.CountRecords = true;
var entities = new List<MyRow>();
ListResponse<MyRow> listReturn = new ListResponse<MyRow>();
var totalCount = query.ForEach(connection, () =>
var yeniGunFarki = GetDateRestriction(Convert.ToDateTime(row.VADE),listeResmi);
row.GECIKME = Convert.ToInt32(yeniGunFarki);
listReturn.Entities =entities;
listReturn.Skip = 0;
listReturn.Take = 100;
listReturn.TotalCount = totalCount;
return listReturn;
It is my error json. There is MUSTERIID parameter.
Uncaught Each data element must implement a unique 'MUSTERIID' property. Object at index '0' has repeated identity value '18839376296_94d31a01-0b3b-4720-8895-13f23dc6d714': {"InsertDate":"2023-07-19T12:59:38.353","MUSTERIID":"18839376296_94d31a01-0b3b-4720-8895-13f23dc6d714"}
If MyRow
is an IRow<TFields>
, then your row
object should have a CloneRow
var totalCount = query.ForEach(connection, () =>
var newRow = row.CloneRow() as MyRow;
var yeniGunFarki = GetDateRestriction(Convert.ToDateTime(newRow.VADE),listeResmi);
newRow.GECIKME = Convert.ToInt32(yeniGunFarki);
newRow.MUSTERIID = row.MUSTERIID; // Not sure why this line is here. I assume you can remove it
Now entities
will contain unique objects and if each row already has a unique MUSTERIID
so should the items in entities