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LABjs Loading IE Conditions

I'm having an issue with LABjs. I load all my scripts, but when I use it in IE it completely breaks down.


And if I add a conditional statement

<!--[if IE ]>
     <script type="text/javascript" src="somescript.js"></script>

This would fail. How would I include this into LABjs?



  • I would first STRONGLY say, you shouldn't be doing IE-only scripts any more. But if you really absolutely must, and after you slap yourself on the wrist several times for that bad practice...

       // From:
       var ie_version=(function(){var c,a=3,b=document.createElement('div'),d=b.getElementsByTagName('i');while(b.innerHTML='<!--[if gt IE '+(++a)+']><i></i><![endif]-->',d[0]);return a>4?a:c})();
       .script(ie_version ? 'somescript.js' : '')

    The ie_version snippet of code comes from: which uses dynamically created IE conditional comments to determine an IE version.

    NOTE: I'm assuming that "somescript.js" needs to be executed strictly after the jquery and jquery-ui scripts, based on what you posted. If that's not the case, you could put it in a different position in the $LAB chain if you wanted to, and you could take out the setOptions({AlwaysPreserveOrder:true}) and instead use wait() in the chain only where desired/necessary.