So I've been using require.js for while now, but I realized that I actually don't know how it works under the hood. It says that it's an AMD loader.
I do understand that CommonJS is synchronous, which means that it blocks execution of other codes while it's being loaded. On the other hand, AMD is asynchronous. This is where I get confused.
When I define a module, it has to load a,b,c in order to execute the callback. How does asynchronous work here?
define("name",["a","b","c"], function(a,b,c){
As you know, "AMD" (Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD)) is a specific API. There are many AMD-compatible "loaders", including RequireJS, curl.js and Dojo (among others).
Just as frameworks like JQuery and Dojo give you an API over raw Javascript; a program that uses AMD:
1) requires you an AMD-compatible .js library,
2) demands certain programming "rules" and "conventions", and
3) Ultimately sits "on top" of Javascript, which runs on your "Javascript engine" (be it IE, Chrome, Firefox - whatever).
Here are a couple of links I found useful:
PS: To answer your immediate question, the latter link has a bit of discussion about "require()" and "dynamically_loaded dependencies".