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Add/Remove data members with template parameters?

Consider the following code :

template<bool AddMembers> class MyClass
        void myFunction();
        template<class = typename std::enable_if<AddMembers>::type> void addedFunction();

        double myVariable;
        /* SOMETHING */ addedVariable;

In this code, the template parameter AddMembers allow to add a function to the class when it's true. To do that, we use an std::enable_if.

My question is : is the same possible (maybe with a trick) for data members variable ? (in a such way that MyClass<false> will have 1 data member (myVariable) and MyClass<true> will have 2 data members (myVariable and addedVariable) ?


  • A conditional base class may be used:

    struct BaseWithVariable    { int addedVariable; };
    struct BaseWithoutVariable { };
    template <bool AddMembers> class MyClass
        : std::conditional<AddMembers, BaseWithVariable, BaseWithoutVariable>::type
        // etc.