I open a .scm file in emacs and I tried to evaluate it in a mit-scheme inferior buffer with the Ctrl + x Ctrl + r command but, nothing happens. I followed the instructions in the "Starting Scheme in Emacs" section in the page with" http://community.schemewiki.org/?emacs-tutorial.
So when a try to evaluate something directly in the buffer running mit-scheme I see the same behavior: nothings is evaluate when I press enter key. But when I use the interpreter directly in command line works well.
My .emacs file looks like this:
;;; Always do syntax highlighting
(global-font-lock-mode 1)
;;; Also highlight parens
(setq show-paren-delay 0
show-paren-style 'parenthesis)
(show-paren-mode 1)
;;; This is the binary name of my scheme implementation
(setq scheme-program-name "mit-scheme")
I have XUbuntu 12.04, emacs23 and mit-scheme 9.1.1.
¿Any idea about the problem?
Thanks in advance
But Ctrl + x Ctrl + r open a file in read-only mode. Don't send any buffer to GNU/MIT-scheme interpreter. You need to use M + o instead of. It will send the current buffer to GNU/MIT-scheme interpreter or M + z which send the current expression to evulation.
What I did to have my GNU/MIT-scheme working:
downloaded the xscheme.el
copyed this file to emacs_location/emacs/version/lisp
directory(note: it must be replace the old file) on my OpenSUSE, the directory is ``/usr/share/emacs/23.3/lisp`.
putted: (load-library "xscheme")
into my .emacs
Done! it's installed.. visit a new .ss
or .scm
file, type: M + x and then: run-scheme
. If it's installed you can see the new buffer running MIT-scheme
Running hello world:
go back to file buffer and write:
(display "Hello,world!")
and then M + o:
You will see something like this(sorry for biggest picture, I can't cut it/resize here):