Greetings! I have a problem and Googling brought no results...
I implemented the drawRect method for my NSView (subclass) to draw some shadows and semi-transparent fills. Everything looks great! But now I need to create an NSImage from my NSView (make snapshot) for drag&drop purposes.
It works, but draws in some different manner: darker and not so contrast as should be.
Why? Maybe because of NSGraphicContext different options? Need help and/or advice!
Here is the code for getting NSImage from NSView:
- (NSImage *)makeImageSnapshot {
NSSize imgSize = self.bounds.size;
NSBitmapImageRep * bir = [self bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect:[self bounds]];
[bir setSize:imgSize];
[self cacheDisplayInRect:[self bounds] toBitmapImageRep:bir];
NSImage* image = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imgSize] autorelease];
[image addRepresentation:bir];
return image;
And here are the images to compare visually:
Thought the difference might seem very small, believe me - it is obvious while working with application. I don't undertand why that is happening. And hope someone can help...
Thanks in advance!
I believe the transparency problem is caused by not having other things to blend it against when it's cached on its own.
Try -dataWithPDFInsideRect: or -dataWithEPSInsideRect: and get your image reps from there.