I have a data access class which runs as part of a stand-alone java application. It is currently working which means that a transaction manager is defined but I want to refactor the class to reduce the scope of the transaction but if I do I get org.hibernate.HibernateException: No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here which implies that moving the @Transactional has somehow stopped it from being recognised.
My original version had the refactored methods being private but I found a recommendation to change that to public as in some cases the annotation would not be picked up.
public class DoStuff {
public void originalMethod() {
// do database stuff
// do non-database stuff that is time consuming
What I want to do is refactor to the following
public class DoStuff {
public void originalMethod() {
public void doDatabaseStuff() {
public void doNonDatabaseStuff() {
You need to understand how Spring proxying works to understand why your refactoring does not work.
Method calls on the object reference will be calls on the proxy, and as such the proxy will be able to delegate to all of the interceptors (advice) that are relevant to that particular method call. However, once the call has finally reached the target object, any method calls that it may make on itself, are going to be invoked against the this reference, and not the proxy. This has important implications. It means that self-invocation is not going to result in the advice associated with a method invocation getting a chance to execute.
@Transactional uses Spring AOP, Spring uses proxies. This means that when you call an @Transactional method from another class, Spring will use a proxy, so the transactional advice will be applied. However, if you call the method from the same class, spring will use the "this" reference instead of the proxy, so that transactional advice will not be applied.
Original Answer:
Here is what worked for me in similar scenario.
public class DoStuff implement ApplicationContextAware {
private ApplicationContext CONTEXT;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws BeansException {
CONTEXT = context;
public void originalMethod() {
private DoStuff getSpringProxy() {
return context.getBean(this.getClass());
public void doDatabaseStuff() {
public void doNonDatabaseStuff() {
, so it has a reference to the context