I have a JQUERY based dialog box, which has a 'select' on it. When I click the button, I need to get hold of the select option value.
This is my JavaScript code:
$( "#dialog-select" ).dialog({
resizable: true,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Ok": function() {
var priority = $('#dialog-select')
var priorityString = JSON.stringify(priority);
alert('priorityString : ' + priorityString);
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
return true;
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
return false;
The HTML for the dialog is written in JavaScript. This is below:
$('#dialog-select').html('<p><span>Please select</span></p>'+
'<td align="left"><font size="1" color="red">*</font></td>'+
'<td align="left"><label>New Priority</label></td>'+
'<select name="priority">'+
'<option value = "default">Please select...</option>'+
'<option value = "h">High</option>'+
'<option value = "m">Medium</option>'+
'<option value = "l">Low</option>'+
What I have done above doesn't work, please help :)
Since (on your page, given that specific html) you can only identify the select by its Name
(without having to traverse the DOM), the quickest solution is:
var selectedvalue = $('select[name="priority"]').val();
I would suggest adding an ID to the dropdownlist, it will be a more efficient search. But hardly noticeable unless your page is huge, so it's more a ""good practice principle".
Please note: I used ' for the jQuery selector string, and " for the name value within the selector. You could use them the other way around, but they will have to be different.