Search code examples

Google adwords conversion on phone call?

I want to track adwords conversions when a user clicks on a phone number on my page coming from a google search. That's what i did:

I added a piece of script based on detectmobilebrowser.js to check if the user is using a mobile. you can see my script here

I have a link on a phone number like this:

<a onclick='clickNumber()' href="tel:9xxxxxxxx">xxx xxx xxx</a>

And this is the javascript triggered when someone clicks on the number (notice that the conversion is only tracked if the click comes from a mobile browser):

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function trackConv(google_conversion_id,google_conversion_label) {
         var image = new Image(1,1); 
         image.src = ""+google_conversion_id+"/?label="+google_conversion_label+"&script=0";      }
function clickNumber() {
    if(isMobile) {

The conversion is tracked when someone clicks on the phone number, but then they have to accept to call that number. How can I know when someone is actually making the phone call. Is ther any kind of API or event for such thing?


  • I'm afraid there really is no way of knowing whether or not the call was actually placed (instead of the user merely clicking the link).

    The best you could possibly do would require you to have a way of programatically know the time of incoming calls, and match up the time of the click with the time of the call. But this is far from a straightforward solution to do it in any kind of automated fashion.

    The only other thing you could do is if you keep track yourself of when that linked is clicked, and present the person answering the call with a list of recent 'clickers', you'd then be able to do things like track call conversions against the number of 'successful' call conversions (assuming you're selling a product/service here)