We are upgrading from Tridion 5.3 SP1 to Tridion 2011 SP1. We are doing installion on fresh machines.
Installation of Content Management server went smooth. But it seems that installation of Ccontent delivery (.NET) did not go well. "startCDinstaller.bat" executed successfully but we can't find any Tridion related service in services section (in 5.3 we had Tridion content broker, tridion content deployer etc).
Even I am not able to determine which part of installation should act as a "Web application" and which should act as a "Web service". Can anyone help me understandig correct process of installation.
Note: We are NOT using any advance topic like Audience Manager, Transation Manager, Outbound Email etc.
Many of the Windows Services that used to be installed on Tridion Content Delivery servers before Tridion 2009 used to be simply wrapper services to keep the underlying JVM alive between calls. They were only needed for ASP and ASP.NET web sites. Java-based web sites would host the Content Delivery jars inside the JVM of their own application server, so they didn't need those services.
Since Tridion 2009 a JVM is instantiated inside every application pool that hosts a ASP.NET web site that uses Tridion Content Delivery functionality. Since this means the JVM is now hosted inside your .NET process, the Windows Services for this functionality are not needed anymore.
Windows services that you typically won't need anymore on Tridion 2009 and up (unless you are using classic ASP):
You may/probably will still need the following Windows Services:
I simply don't remember which other services there used to be. If you find yourself wondering what happened to one of the services, mention it in a comment (or update the question) and I will add it to the correct list.