I am using ugc conditional statement in my code, the equals condition is working fine, but how can be used other conditional operator like ">" "<" and "Not Equals".
HttpContext.Current.Items["CommentCount"] = 0;
<ugc:Choose runat="server">
<ugc:When test="ugcItemStats.numberOfComments > CommentCount" runat="server">
<ugc:Otherwise runat="server">
What operator should be used, if numberofComments is greater than 0, I tried like this way and also tried "notequals" instead of ">" but its does't work.
Please suggest
Tridion ug:when will be work only with " equal " and "==" if you want to use other operator then you have to create the other customer control for this.
I have created and i hope it will be work with "==,>=",<=,>,<,!=" operator.
its working in my project.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace Tridion.ContentDelivery.UGC.Web.UI
[DefaultProperty("Test"), ToolboxData("<{0}:WhenCond runat=server></{0}:WhenCond>"), ParseChildren(ChildrenAsProperties = false)]
public class WhenCond : BaseUGCServerControl
private string test;
private static Regex pattern = new Regex(@"\.");
protected virtual bool Condition()
if (this.test == null)
return false;
string[] sep = new string[] { "==", "<", ">", "<=", ">=" ,"!="};
string[] testArray = test.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.None);
if (testArray.Length == 2)
object value1 = EvaluateVariable(testArray[0].Trim(), HttpContext.Current);
object value2 = EvaluateVariable(testArray[1].Trim(), HttpContext.Current);
if (value1 != null && value2 != null)
if (isNumeric(value1.ToString(), NumberStyles.Number) && isNumeric(value2.ToString(), NumberStyles.Number))
return NumericCondition(double.Parse(value1.ToString()), double.Parse(value2.ToString()), GetSepartor());
return AlphaNumericCondition(value1.ToString(), value2.ToString(), GetSepartor());
return false;
return false;
public static object EvaluateVariable(string varProperty, HttpContext usedContext)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(varProperty))
string[] strArray = pattern.Split(varProperty);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strArray[0]))
object obj2 = usedContext.Items[strArray[0]];
if (obj2 != null)
object obj3 = obj2;
for (int i = 1; i < strArray.Length; i++)
if (obj3 != null)
string str = strArray[i];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
string str2 = str.Substring(0, 1);
string str3 = str.Substring(1);
string name = str2.ToUpper() + str3;
PropertyInfo property = obj3.GetType().GetProperty(name);
if (property != null)
obj3 = property.GetValue(obj3, null);
return obj3;
return null;
public bool isNumeric(string val, System.Globalization.NumberStyles NumberStyle)
Double result;
return Double.TryParse(val, NumberStyle, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, out result);
private string GetSepartor()
string sept = string.Empty;
sept = this.test.Contains("==") ? "==" : string.Empty;
sept = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sept) ?(this.test.Contains(">") ? ">" : string.Empty):sept;
sept = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sept) ? (this.test.Contains("<") ? "<" : string.Empty) : sept;
sept = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sept) ?(this.test.Contains(">=") ? ">=" : string.Empty):sept;
sept = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sept) ?(this.test.Contains("<=") ? "<=" : string.Empty):sept;
sept = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sept) ? (this.test.Contains("!=") ? "!=" : string.Empty) : sept;
return sept;
private bool NumericCondition(double value1, double value2, string sept)
bool returnFlag = false;
switch (sept)
case "==":
returnFlag = (value1 == value2);
case ">":
returnFlag = (value1 > value2);
case "<":
returnFlag = (value1 < value2);
case ">=":
returnFlag = (value1 >= value2);
case "<=":
returnFlag = (value1 <= value2);
case "!=":
returnFlag = (value1 != value2);
return returnFlag;
private bool AlphaNumericCondition(string value1, string value2, string sept)
bool returnFlag = false;
switch (sept)
case "==":
returnFlag = (value1.CompareTo(value2) == 0);
case "!=":
returnFlag = (!value1.Equals(value2));
case ">":
returnFlag = (value1.CompareTo(value2) > 0);
case "<":
returnFlag = (value1.CompareTo(value2) < 0);
return returnFlag;
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
if ((HttpContext.Current != null) && (HttpContext.Current.Application != null))
Control parent = this.Parent;
if (!(parent is Choose))
throw new InvalidOperationException("WhenCond control must have a Tridion Web UI Choose server control as parent!!!");
Choose choose = (Choose)parent;
if (!choose.AlreadyMatchedCondition() && this.Condition())
[Category("Appearance"), DefaultValue(""), Bindable(true)]
public string Test
return this.test;
this.test = value;
implementaion in aspx page
<%@ Register assembly="Tridion.Custom.Web.UI" namespace="Tridion.ContentDelivery.UGC.Web.UI" tagprefix="cc1" %>
<ugc:Choose runat="server">
<cc1:WhenCond test="ugcItemStats.numberOfComments > CommentCount" runat="server">
<ugc:Otherwise runat="server">
if you face any problem please let me know.