Is there a way to control the default sorting order used when first clicking a grid header? Suppose, I am having two columns one is name and another is downloads. i want to set name as ASC
order and downloads as DESC
on first click on grid header.that means when i first click on download column header it should be display most downloaded first.
Is it possible to set initial sorting order of column?
I got a different solution
I had a similar situation, in which I wanted date columns to be sorted DESC on the first click, while others should be sorted ASC on the first click. I wrote my own GridView, and inside it I overridden the onHeaderClick function like so:
* Make sure that Date columns are sorted in a DESCENDING order by default
protected void onHeaderClick(Grid<ModelData> grid, int column)
if (cm.getColumn(column).getDateTimeFormat() != null)
SortInfo state = getSortState();
if (state.getSortField() != null && state.getSortField().equals(cm.getColumn(column).getId()))
super.onHeaderClick(grid, column);
this.headerColumnIndex = column;
if (!headerDisabled && cm.isSortable(column))
doSort(column, SortDir.DESC);
super.onHeaderClick(grid, column);