When a Slickgrid is added to a table-cell styled div, the grid becomes excessively wide unless a maximum width is specified for that div. The grid also seems to gain a phantom column to the right.
Is it possible to cause Slickgrid to only occupy necessary space in that type of layout?
I noticed the following HTML generated
<div class="slick-header-columns" style="left: -1000px; width: 2978px;" unselectable="on">
The width is being explicitly set to a value that is way too large, even given that the left if offset -1000px.
I'm still hoping for a proper solution, but in the mean time I was able to work around the problem by including the following code after rendering the grid
// Hack to fix grid width issue http://stackoverflow.com/q/12032796/141172
var cols = grid.getColumns();
var numCols = cols.length;
var gridW = 0;
for (var i=0; i<numCols; i++) {
gridW += cols[i].width;
$('#gc').width(gridW); // gc is the ID of the div used for SlickGrid