I have an ICriteria query like so:
var contentCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<InvoiceItem>();
var countCriteria = DetachedCriteria.For<InvoiceItem>();
if (model.CurrentPage <= 0) model.CurrentPage = 1;
if (model.OnlyShowErrors)
contentCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Not(Restrictions.Eq("TroubleClass", TroubleClasses.Success)));
countCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Not(Restrictions.Eq("TroubleClass", TroubleClasses.Success)));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.BatchId))
contentCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("BatchId", model.BatchId));
countCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("BatchId", model.BatchId));
if (model.DocumentStartDate != null)
contentCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Ge("DocumentDate", model.DocumentStartDate));
countCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Ge("DocumentDate", model.DocumentStartDate));
if (model.DocumentEndDate != null)
contentCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Le("DocumentDate", model.DocumentEndDate));
countCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Le("DocumentDate", model.DocumentEndDate));
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.VendorId))
contentCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("VendorId", model.VendorId));
countCriteria.Add(Restrictions.Eq("VendorId", model.VendorId));
using (var session = GetSession())
var countC = countCriteria.GetExecutableCriteria(session)
var contentC = contentCriteria
.SetFirstResult((model.CurrentPage * model.ItemsPerPage) - model.ItemsPerPage)
var mq = session.CreateMultiCriteria()
.Add("total", countC)
.Add<InvoiceItem>("paged", contentC);
model.Invoices = ((IEnumerable<InvoiceItem>)mq.GetResult("paged"));
model.Invoices = model.Invoices
.OrderBy(x => x.PersistedTimeStamp);
model.TotalItems = (int)(mq.GetResult("total") as System.Collections.ArrayList)[0];
return model;
This returns results, but where I would expect the results to be in groups of model.ItemsPerPage
, it rarely is. I think that the .SetResultTransformer(Transformers.DistinctRootEntity)
transform is being run after the .SetMaxResults(model.ItemsPerPage)
limit, and I don't know why or how to fix it. Can someone please enlighten me?
So this is directly related to what was written in this blog post. Additionally, I had the platform-specific complication of PostgreSQL not allowing a DISTINCT ordered set ordered by something not in the SELECT list. Ultimately, I had to make two calls to the database, like so:
using (var session = GetSession())
//I honestly hope I never have to reverse engineer this mess. Pagination in NHibernate
//when ordering by an additional column is a nightmare.
var countC = countCriteria.GetExecutableCriteria(session)
var contentOrdered = contentCriteria
.SetFirstResult((model.CurrentPage * model.ItemsPerPage) - model.ItemsPerPage)
var contentIds = contentOrdered.GetExecutableCriteria(session)
.Select(s => (Guid)s.First())
var contentC = DetachedCriteria.For<InvoiceItem>()
.Add(Restrictions.In("RecordId", contentIds))
var mq = session.CreateMultiCriteria()
.Add("total", countC)
.Add("paged", contentC);
model.Invoices = (mq.GetResult("paged") as System.Collections.ArrayList)
.OrderBy(x => x.PersistedTimeStamp);
model.TotalItems = (int)(mq.GetResult("total") as System.Collections.ArrayList)[0];
return model;
This is not pretty, but it worked; I think the folks over at NHibernate need to work on this and make it a tad bit easier.