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logging into sql

I am a student learning sql and working an assignment to set up a database in mySQL 5.5 community version. The command I am given does not work as detailed. Here is what I have done so far: This is the command that I am told to use after setting up mySQL 5.5.

mysql –h localhost –u root -p

This brings back a long screen of help commands. I found out that instead I need to use: mysql -u root -p. Then I get my password prompt that works. That starts sql. Next I was given these statements to create a user named user1.

USE mysql;
create user ‘user1’@’localhost’ identified by ‘user1’;
grant select, insert, update, delete, create, drop, references, execute on *.* to ‘user1’@’localhost’;

I entered these line by line and they seem to work. No errors are returned. However when I try to start the user with the following commands:

Login as user1
mysql –h localhost –u user1 –p
password is user1

I get a long list of help commands when i exexute the mysql line.

What is incorrect with the commands I have executed and also why? I initially think it may be that these commands were written for an earlier version? I was initially told to reinstall mysql and did that with no errors. I get the same results as before reinstalling it. If I need to explain or add screenshots, I will be glad to do so.



    mysql -h localhost -u user1 -ppassword database_name_here

    Your other option:

    mysql -h localhost -u user1 -p database_name_here

    But for the second one you will have to type the password.