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Adding namespaces to the AXIOMXPath


<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <wmHotelAvailResponse xmlns="">
      <OTA_HotelAvailRS Version="1.001">

Code :

String  xpathString = "/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/wmHotelAvailResponse/OTA_HotelAvailRS";

AXIOMXPath xpathExpression = new AXIOMXPath(xpathString);

xpathExpression.addNamespace("soap",    "");
xpathExpression.addNamespace("xsi",     "");
xpathExpression.addNamespace("xsd",     "");

OMElement rsMsg = (OMElement)xpathExpression.selectSingleNode(documentElement);

String version = rsMsg.getAttribute(new QName("Version")).getAttributeValue();

Question :
This is working perfectly when the xmlns="" part is deleted. I wanna know how can I add xmlns="" part to the xpathExpression to make the above work

I tried below but didn't work.

xpathExpression.addNamespace("", "");


  • Solution:

    .1. Add this code:

    xpathExpression.addNamespace("x", "");

    .2. Change:

    String  xpathString = "/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/wmHotelAvailResponse/OTA_HotelAvailRS"; 


    String  xpathString = "/soap:Envelope/soap:Body/x:wmHotelAvailResponse/x:OTA_HotelAvailRS";  


    Xpath always treats any unprefixed element name as belonging to "no namespace".

    Therefore when evaluating the XPath expression:


    the Evaluator tries to find a wmHotelAvailResponse element that is in "no namespace" and fails because the only wmHotelAvailResponse element in the document belongs to the "" namespace.