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Add new device to exiting wildcard provisioning profile

I am trying to add a couple of new devices to our team provisioning profile. I am talking about the generic "wildcard" profile that we use to test apps before creating a specific profile for each of them.

As far as I recall, so far, any new device was automatically added to my team provisioning profile. The latest 2 device that I added today are not listed as part of the team profile. They are the only 2 device with a "0" count in the profile column. Also, the team profile is not editable, since it uses the wildcard.

Shouldn't the team profile include, by definition, all device? Is this a bug on the dev portal? Do you have any suggestion?

Cheers, Davide


  • As suggested in a comment, the only reliable solution is actually creating an app-specific profile. It's more of a workaround really, but it gets the job done.